
The first prototype that we were tasked to do was to make a phone stand out of cardboard and at the sane time ensure that it is collpasable to make it more conveneient for the user to bring around
The following are the steps I took to make the final product.

STEP 1: think of a design and sketch the idea out onto a piece of paper
note: sketched on phone first because I had no paper on hand but later transferred design to a paper.

STEP 2: search for suitable cardboard to create the prototype
note: ensure that it is not too hard so that it would be easy to cut into and ensure that it is not too soft so that it can support the phone.

STEP 3: make an outline on the selected carboard to use as guide to cut in the the next step

STEP 4: follow the guide drawn in the earlier step and cut out the shape

STEP 5: assemble the prototype by joining the two pieces and test it out with a phone!!

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